About Jim
As a CIR REALTY Agent and member of Leading Real Estate Companies of the World™, my goal is to ensure that you have the best real estate experience possible. Whether you are looking to sell your current home, or purchase a home locally or around the world, I have the resources and expert knowledge to make sure that you get the best service and the best possible price for exactly what it is you are looking for. I have received the best training and technological support in the industry to make sure that I can deliver high quality service using the best tools possible. I am 100 % committed to my Clients and am honoured to be able to help them with their most important asset - their home.

Mortgage Qualifyer
Thinking of buying a home? Well your first step should be seeing how much you can qualify for! Along with finding out your range, this is a great opportunity to get a feel for what your payments will look like and what other monthly and "one time" costs you can expect when you buy. In addition, you will get a handy checklist of all of the documents you will need to provide when you find the right place!

Mortgage Tune up
Do you think you are in the right mortgage? Do you have the nagging feeling that you are missing and and there is something better for you out there? Maybe it is time for a mortgage Tune Up! Just take a couple of minutes and we can take a second look at your mortgage and your plans and find out if there is an opportunity to get into a better fit.